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  1. Varsity 2023: LJMU vs UOL

    The age-old rivalry between Liverpool John Moores University and University of Liverpool takes place this month with a series of sporting events.

  2. Cosmic explosion is brightest of all time

    Dr Dan Perley and Dr Gavin Lamb at the Astrophysics Research Institute record phenomenal burst of energy GRB 221009A after sighting with Liverpool Telescope and James Webb Telescope.

  3. Student Spotlight: Mike Lynn

    This week we introduce Mike Lynn, a recent LJMU postgraduate who is working closely with organisations such as Joshua Tree and Alderhey hospital to try to fight for improvements in cancer after care nutrition and exercise in paediatric patients.

  4. April is Autism Acceptance Month

    Bethany Donaghy, PhD student at LJMU, shares her personal experience with autism, describes common misconceptions, and talks about diagnosis and support.

  5. Is this the face of Robert the Bruce?

    Scientists and historians have joined forces to create detailed virtual images of what could be the head of Robert the Bruce, reconstructed from the cast of a human skull held by the Hunterian Museum.