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  1. Holistic Built Environment

    The Holistic Built Environment research theme is focused on sustainability related research problem including legal, social, economic, engineering, and management related aspects of Built Environment using novel approaches like digitalisation, Digital Twin, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality and offsite manufacturing techniques.

  2. Astrophysics Research Institute

    The Astrophysics Research Institute is one of the world's leading authorities in astronomy and astrophysics. Find out about our areas of expertise, our researchers, public engagement and educational programmes, and read through our publications.

  3. Energy Fairies

    Read more about the collaboration between Energy Fairies and LCR 4.0 to further develop their Flutter Shutter solution. Notably the Energy Fairy team wanted to specifically concentrate upon iterative design and test development of their envisaged smart sun tracking feature.

  4. Greenbank Sports Academy

    Read more about the collaboration between Greenbank Sports Academy (GSA) and LCR 4.0. GSA sought to develop a user friendly sports wheelchair which could be used to play power hockey and wheelchair football – which they have since named as ‘The Equaliser’.

  5. Abbey Engineering

    Read more about the collaboration between LCR 4.0 and Abbey Engineering - it was identified that Abbey Engineering could use data analysis to make more informed decisions regarding their manufacturing processes.

  6. Data Performance Consultancy

    Read more about the collaboration with Data Performance Consultancy and LCR 4.0 by improving the procurement process and replacing systems using DPC’s Smart Procurement Platform the measurable outcomes will help drive direction for economic growth within a locality.

  7. LCR Sustainable Green Travel Corridors

    The LCR Sustainable Green Travel Corridors Project is £1.3m ERDF funded until 2021 and part of a Liverpool City Region-wide initiative to encourage more cycling and walking.

  8. PhD studies

    View the current PhD projects within the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology to find out the type of work our PhD students undertake. Plus, find out how to apply for a PhD within the Centre.