Librarian Heather discovers relatives in her own archive!
Digging into the archives to find your ancestors often throws up surprises.
Digging into the archives to find your ancestors often throws up surprises.
Educational Pioneers: Fanny Calder, James Gill and the making of a modern university opens
Election of a new Teaching member of staff to the Board of Governors
A lecturer who built links among therapists and counsellors on Twitter has been recognised for his efforts with a national award.
Professor Zoe Knowles is set to become the first woman to chair the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES).
Celebrating the launch of the Unicaf and LJMU partnership
Join the discussion on student retention and our new campaign
Liverpool Business School student Imogen Payen has received a commendation from Counter Terrorism Policing's Director General, Richard Westlake.
LJMU were joined by Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE DL & Professor Greg Whyte to launch new Disability Sport and Physical Activity Network (DisSPA Network) this month.
LJMUs Student Futures: Careers, Employability and Enterprise Team have shared 5 of the most popular ways that students can enhance their employability to help support future career goals whilst at uni.