Travelling to the Redmonds Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the Redmonds Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Redmonds Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
If you are a nursing or healthcare student we understand you have specific accommodation requirements to fit in with your differing timetables, workloads and shift patterns. That's why we have created a page of information about the types of accommodation available that will help you concentrate on your studies.
Students studying English at LJMU were treated to a special Q&A with the presenter of BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour.
To help researchers excel and reach their full potential we offer a full range of personal, professional and career development opportunities via the Researcher Development Programme.
The Customer Relationships and Insight team works closely with all areas of the wider Student Recruitment Marketing and Admissions team, and colleagues across the institution to ensure LJMU consistently delivers an exceptional experience for prospective students.
The Postgraduate Recruitment Marketing team develops and implements the institutional postgraduate recruitment marketing plan.
Member of the Board of Governors
The Chancellor Nisha Katona MBE is Chancellor of LJMU.
The Health and Safety Unit provide training courses for LJMU staff and students. Details are contained in the Training Planner. Bespoke training can also be arranged.
Get in touch with the Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory team to find out more about how we can help your business reach its low carbon targets.