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  1. MRes Health and Wellbeing | Part-time

    The MRes in Health and Wellbeing is an excellent introduction to research methods and provides a firm foundation if you wish to pursue doctoral study.

  2. MSc Health Psychology | Part-time

    LJMU's MSc Health Psychology meets the training requirement for BPS accreditation. The course has a strong emphasis on psychological investigation and ethical issues.

  3. MA Strategic People Management and Practice

    LJMU's Strategic People Management and Practice MA focuses on the practical application of knowledge, in different organisational contexts, business sectors and areas of operation.

  4. MA Mass Communications

    LJMU's Mass Communications MA investigates the significance of media forms, the systems within which they operate and the challenges they face.

  5. MSc Sport and Clinical Biomechanics

    LJMU's MSc in Sport and Clinical Biomechanics features extensive training in lab-based skills plus in-depth analysis of contemporary issues.

  6. MA Immersive Media

    LJMU's Immersive Media MA is a pioneering degree where you will explore and experiment with making novel applications and experiences in augmented reality, mixed reality and virtual reality.