Travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering
Liverpool Business School
The Environmental Monitoring and Control research theme is focused on addressing global challenges and sustainable development goals related to quality monitoring systems for sustainable agriculture, novel technologies for good health and well-being monitoring, sustainable management, and quality monitoring of water resources.
Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Liverpool Business School
Member of the Board of Governors and Audit and Risk Committee
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the pace at which educational institutions moved towards a blended approach of online and in-person learning (Jisc, 2020). While embracing this change, the challenges it brings for learner experience, engagement and learning must be carefully considered.
At LJMU, we strive to deliver high quality, impartial support to schools and colleges. We love to receive feedback from our sessions and below is some of our recent feedback.
The Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science aims to bring together the very best researchers, clinicians and administrative staff to ensure that we provide the very best quality research.