Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion
Find out about the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion areas of interest, collaborations and projects, and meet the research team.
Find out about the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion areas of interest, collaborations and projects, and meet the research team.
Find out more about the people from the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History at Liverpool John Moores University.
Contact the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History at Liverpool John Moores University.
Discover more information about one of our sustainable development goals: Life on land.
Humanities and Social Science
School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences
School of Psychology
This CPD course will develop your knowledge of the theory underpinning coaching and help you develop strategies and skills for coaching in your practice.
Member of the Board of Governors
The School of Humanities and Social Science specialise in English and Cultural History, Media, History, Culture and Communication, Policing Studies and Criminology and Sociology. Find out more about the School's courses, research and staff here.