Policy Updates
Policies which have been updated recently.
Policies which have been updated recently.
LJMU recently brought together representatives from the chemical and shipping industry to discuss innovative solutions to the sector’s supply chain.
LJMU’s Dr Isabelle De Groote appeared on the BBC’s primetime hit TV programme, The One Show, during a special feature on the famous Piltdown Man forgeries.
LJMU has welcomed former Lancashire Constabulary Chief Constable Steve Finnigan CBE to teach the next generation of police leaders, at the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies.
School of Justice Studies report for National Police Chiefs Council
Ground-breaking computational methods will be used by a team of researchers to advance the access of historical collections and study the history of Early Colonial Mexico.
An LJMU student and several LJMU sports experts are behind a cohort of para-athletes who will be going for gold in Rio this week.
Sir Jon Murphy delivers the 141st Roscoe Lecture, recounting his four-decade-long policing career.
VC Mark Power leads celebrations at 'Sustainable Futures' conference
Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is delighted to announce this year’s Honorary Fellowships to be conferred during its graduation ceremonies this July.