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  1. Anyika Onuora

    Read the full oration for Anyika Onuora on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.

  2. City Lab

    The Uses of Art Lab, based within ART LABS, asks how we can use art more effectively in society. Discover the themes and projects based within the Lab.

  3. Beverston Enginnering

    Read more about the collaboration between Beverston Engineering and LCR 4.0 working closely together we were able to develop a package of work, concentrating upon technologies which could have significant impact upon component accuracy improvement and waste reduction within the CNC manufacturing process.

  4. FTDP scholarship funding

    Each scholarship funding is for three years of a full-time PhD degree programme, and includes tuition fees, a tax-free maintenance stipend of around £18,622 per annum (rising in line with URKI rates) and additional research costs of up to £1,600 per year.

  5. Commodore Rod Walker

    Read the oration for Commodore Rod Walker on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.