Local green spaces
Find out more about LJMU green spaces, a series of projects taking place across the University with both staff and student involvement.
Find out more about LJMU green spaces, a series of projects taking place across the University with both staff and student involvement.
Paul is an honorary fellow of LJMU, an award bestowed for his outstanding work protecting and enhancing the natural environment across the Liverpool City Region and beyond. He has worked closely with us to develop our Outdoor Learning Area and to realise our Natural Curriculum.
School of Education
Astrophysics Research Institute
For those undertaking the MSc Nursing programme you will provide evidence of prior experiential learning and undertake 1530 hours on the 2 year programme. For Trainee Nursing Associates from September 2024 you will evidence 2300 number of hours.
School of Education
Every effort is made to ensure that information contained on this website is accurate and up-to-date, however, this information is subject to change without notice and the University can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information presented at any given time.
The university’s Journalism Department is hosting the European Journalism Training Association teachers’ conference, where teaching of sports, society and specialist journalism will be discussed by educators from across the continent.
Alex is the Co-founder and Director of Liverpool Arts Bar on Hope Street and in the Baltic Triangle, founded with the ethos of supporting and developing grassroots artists across the city, giving them a platform to showcase and celebrate their work. Along with three fellow LJMU graduates, they opened the bar in 2019, survived the Covid-19 pandemic and can now boast that they have the city’s go-to venues for creatives.
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences