Search the LJMU website

  1. Sponsors

    Take a look at the sponsors for the 25th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference.

  2. Committee

    See the organising committee for the GP2A – Groupement des Pharmacochimistes de l’Arc Atlantique conference.

  3. Venue

    How to travel to Liverpool for the conference and what accommodation will be available during your stay.

  4. EAIE 2016 Conference

    LJMU is proud to sponsor the EAIE 2016 Conference. Find out how we're involved including our sessions, exhibition stand, campus tour and other activities.

  5. Organising committee

    Find out more about the Organising committee for the Healthy Muscle Aging Conference.

  6. Research Unit for Financial Inclusion

    The Research Unit for Financial Inclusion is recognised as a leader in credit union research. We undertake research into issues central to the development of credit union, co-operatives and social enterprise and to the future of low and moderate-income consumer finance.

  7. Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology

    In the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology we're commited to conducting research at the frontiers of biological anthropology, catalysed by discovery-oriented field research. Find out about our expertise in social behaviour, ecology and conservation; human variation and evolution and forensic anthropology. Meet the researchers, read our publications and case studies and find out how you can work with us.

  8. Public Health Institute

    The Public Health Institute delivers the intelligence and evidence to inform public health policy and practice.