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  1. Lorraine Shaw

    Lorraine Shaw was the Subject Lead for Nursing in the School of Nursing and Allied Health from 2013 until her retirement in 2023. As a registered nurse since 1987, practising in a range of clinical areas, her ties with LJMU began in 1992 when she needed a degree to progress with her career and enrolled with LJMU while continuing to work full-time for the NHS, and later venturing into teaching and management.

  2. John Martin

    John Martin was a catering officer with Elder Dempster Lines. Read his account of his experiences with the shipping company.

  3. Leigh Pomlett

    Leigh is an alumnus of the Liverpool Polytechnic, using the skills and knowledge gained from his business studies degree to propel himself into a successful international career in the supply chain and logistics sector that spanned more than 30 years. He now combines his professional expertise and life-long passion for football for his role as Co-Chairman of Walsall Football Club.

  4. Victory Onephrojire

    International student Victory followed in her sisters' footsteps to leave Nigeria and to study in the UK. Choosing Liverpool as it was a vibrant and buzzing city, she has not only settled into life in the UK but also helped other fellow international students to do the same, by acting as a student mentor while undertaking master’s study in business and management.

  5. Dr George Sharples

    In 2023, George was recognised for being LJMU’s longest serving member of staff, having worked at the university for some 51 years. He is a Reader in Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences and joined LJMU in 1972.

  6. Sir Robin Knox-Johnston CBE

    Read the oration for Sir Robin Knox-Johnston CBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.