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  1. Social Innovation

    The Digital Health Interest Group within the Institute for Health Research are actively engaged with digital health research and aim to develop long-standing interventions to improve health care and pathways.

  2. Production Unit for Liverpool Screen School

    The Production Unit for Liverpool Screen School (PULSS) organises work opportunities for students from LJMU’s Liverpool Screen School. The work opportunities PULSS organise take many forms, from placements and live commercial projects through to extracurricular activities.

  3. Find the course that's right for you

    The School of Humanities and Social Science has a diverse range of courses within six key subject areas: English and Cultural History, Media, History, Culture and Communication, Policing Studies and Criminology and Sociology (Social Work and Social Policy).

  4. Sam Scragg

    Sam is a Class of 2023 graduate and will start work with our Student Futures team in September 2023, after enjoying working alongside them during his studies.

  5. Artivism

    Artivism encapsulates artist practices that address social and political issues. Find out more about this research group.