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Find out how you can get in touch with the LCR 4.0 team.
Study the concepts and underpinning theories associated with public health knowledge and practices and examine health inequalities and ways to reduce them
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Department of Computer Science
The Forensic Research Institute is a research and training organisation with expertise in aspects of evidence collection, analysis, reporting and testimony. We have a proven track record of impact in assisting criminal justice agencies in crime-prevention, police work, the preparation of cases, victim identification, victim and witness support and much more.
Are you interested in taking part in a research project that aims to identify physiological indicators of listening effort? We are looking to recruit participants for a study that examines the heart- and pupil-related responses associated with effortful listening.
Help us out in this study to determine the muscle-tendon properties that influence rapid force production in elite football players.
Discover the research projects carried out within the Research Institute for Literature and Cultural History.
Choose to study online with courses offered by Unicaf
Can architecture and design help people with dementia? Design for Dementia is an ongoing integrated research, design and build project undertaken by Art Labs.