Current tender opportunities
Discover how you can contact a member of our team for information about our current tender opportunities at Liverpool John Moores University.
Discover how you can contact a member of our team for information about our current tender opportunities at Liverpool John Moores University.
If you would like to contribute to or participate in any RIDE initiatives, including becoming a member of our RIDE Panel please contact Dr Tori Sprung.
In 2023, George was recognised for being LJMU’s longest serving member of staff, having worked at the university for some 51 years. He is a Reader in Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences and joined LJMU in 1972.
School of Psychology
Department of Computer Science
Member of Board of Governors
School of Psychology
Member of the Board of Governors
Policies related to data protection: Authority to release form, Data Protection Policy, How to request your personal information, Request for information template, Student data collection notice, Obtaining Occupational Health Records and Occupational Health Records Request Form.
Sport and Exercise Sciences