LJMU to host first Integrated Care Symposium this summer
Academics and practitioners interested in integrated care across the Liverpool City Region are encouraged to attend the inaugural event on Wednesday 10 July.
Academics and practitioners interested in integrated care across the Liverpool City Region are encouraged to attend the inaugural event on Wednesday 10 July.
Get some paid work experience at a local business working a real-life project that you can really get stuck into
A renowned comedian and writer, the Public Health England national lead for mental health and wellbeing and an LJMU Honorary fellow were among the impressive speakers that informed and enlightened almost 300 delegates at the Let's Talk Disability and Mental Health Conference.
Google Garage is supporting LJMUs Global Entrepreneurship Week (16 22 November) with a series of superb and state-of-the-art business training for students and staff.
Our SAW team is offering students and staff a range of events over the next few months to help mental wellbeing this semester.
Fab Lab supports artists in young visions of future
Business leaders from around the world will gather today to do business in Liverpool as part of the International Festival for Business 2016.
LJMU staff assisted Help for Heroes sport coaches and local sports teams to facilitate a range of inclusive and fully accessible sport sessions to a group being supported by the charity.
Are you a final year student looking to secure a graduate job to start in 2025 after completing your studies?
More places are available on the Advance HE Aurora Womens Leadership Programme.