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Find out how you can get in touch with the LCR 4.0 team.
Read more about the collaboration between Beverston Engineering and LCR 4.0 working closely together we were able to develop a package of work, concentrating upon technologies which could have significant impact upon component accuracy improvement and waste reduction within the CNC manufacturing process.
Read more about the collaboration between Energy Fairies and LCR 4.0 to further develop their Flutter Shutter solution. Notably the Energy Fairy team wanted to specifically concentrate upon iterative design and test development of their envisaged smart sun tracking feature.
Read more about the collaboration between LCR 4.0 and Abbey Engineering - it was identified that Abbey Engineering could use data analysis to make more informed decisions regarding their manufacturing processes.
Read more about the collaboration between Greenbank Sports Academy (GSA) and LCR 4.0. GSA sought to develop a user friendly sports wheelchair which could be used to play power hockey and wheelchair football – which they have since named as ‘The Equaliser’.
Elder Dempster Lines was one of the UK’s largest shipping companies. As part of the Homeward Bound project, we’ve spoken to a number of Elder Dempster’s former employees and passengers, recording their ‘real’ stories and experiences. You can listen to their Elder Dempster stories here.
Read more about the history of Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.
As part of the Homeward Bound project we’ve collected 25 oral testimonies from Elder Dempster Line’s seafaring and office staff. Listen to the interviews.
The Homeward Bound: A Liverpool-West Africa Heritage Project documents the lives and memories of Elder Dempster’s seafaring and office staff. As part of the project, we recorded 25 oral testimonies.
Read more about new finds for the Elder Dempster Lines - the largest UK shipping group between Western Europe and West Africa from the late-nineteenth century to the 1980s.