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  1. World Book Day 2024: Reading Rivers

    Final-year creative writing student Kayla Marsh sat down with seven members of staff to discuss their ‘Reading Rivers’ – from the books never finished to the books that evoked tears.

  2. Young chimpanzees reconcile through play

    Researchers at LJMU's School of Natural Sciences and Psychology have discovered for the first time that, unlike their adult counterparts who kiss and embrace immediately after a fight, young chimpanzees reconcile through play.

  3. Graduates of LJMU and their stories

    As we celebrate our Bicentenary this year, we are celebrating the Humans of LJMU who make our city, communities and university the vibrant, inclusive place that it is.

  4. Panama welcomes LJMU at world-famous canal launch

    A Liverpool delegation including Eddie Blanco-Davis, from LJMU’s Faculty of Engineering and Technology flew to Panama at the behest of the UK embassy in Panama to attend the official launch of the £3.9bn expansion of the Panama Canal.