Meet the Media, Culture and Communication tutors
All of our Media, Culture and Communication lecturers are active researchers, and we believe strongly in the close integration of research and teaching.
All of our Media, Culture and Communication lecturers are active researchers, and we believe strongly in the close integration of research and teaching.
The Forensic anthropology group is committed to the development of protocols and guidelines to increase the reliability of the recovery, documentation and analysis of human remains. We provide casework consultancy for forensic anthropological analysis, facial approximation and mass grave excavation. Find out about our work by viewing our publications, collaborations, research areas and people.
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Humanities and Social Science
Built Environment
Faculty of Science | School of Sport and Exercise Sciences
This course is a useful and evidence based course aimed at increasing the theoretical and practical knowledge of healthcare professionals involved in the care of people with diabetes mellitus.
CPD course designed to enhance your effective leadership and team working skills through action learning.
In the £26 million Tom Reilly Building, you’ll find psychology students recording brain activity with EEG and fNIRS and using virtual reality systems and a driving simulator to test out simulated activities. See more of the facilities at LJMU's School of Psychology.
Sport and Exercise Sciences