Travelling to St George's Hall
Here you will find information about travelling to St George's Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us
Here you will find information about travelling to St George's Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us
Here you will find information about travelling to the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
In 2022, Liverpool John Moores University renewed their Diversity Champions membership, to ensure the continuation of our LGBTQI+ staff feeling free to be themselves and to continue the work to increase the feeling of belongingness.
By being a Disability Confident employer, Liverpool John Moores University is being recognised by going the extra mile in ensuring disabled people get a fair change in recruitment, promotions and any other opportunities.
LJMU Together (LGBTIQ+) Staff Network supports the strategic aim of being a University where each person is respected equally and where diversity is embraced.
To mark the movement of the School of Education to the Faculty of Arts, Professional & Social Studies (APSS) this blog post highlights the practice of Sarah Tickle from the School of Justice Studies and her use of Microsoft Sway.
LJMU uses Courseloop as its curriculum management system. Courseloop is the Single Source of Truth that maintains a definitive record of the university's academic offering and of their associated governance meetings.
Learn more about the work our Research and Innovation Services department does within LJMU.
Returning to the office
Two scholarly essays by Dr Gerry Smyth relating to his setting of all 36 lyrics from James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'; this page also includes a list of 'Aphorisms and Quotations', offering reflections on different aspects of Joyce's original lyric sequence.