Performance Indicators and Benchmarking
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Find out more about the range of indicators the University uses to monitor its performance in relation to its strategic aims.
Records are produced and received as part of business activity. They provide evidence of our decision making and activities and enable us to evidence that we are complying with our statutory obligations.
Member of the Board of Governors
The Customer Relationships and Insight team works closely with all areas of the wider Student Recruitment Marketing and Admissions team, and colleagues across the institution to ensure LJMU consistently delivers an exceptional experience for prospective students.
Stay connected to LJMU. Find out how to register as an alumnus and how it can benefit your career.
The Undergraduate Recruitment Marketing team is responsible for the development and implementation of an institutional plan across the prospective student journey to support the achievement of annual home undergraduate recruitment targets.
Find out more about the Research Network on Emergency Resources Supply Chain group conferences.
Get expert financial advice and discover our top 10 budgeting tips from LJMU's Student Advice Team to help you manage your money.
a list of online resources relating to James Joyce's 'Chamber Music' , first published in London in 1907
Do you have a question about accommodation? You're likely to find the answer in our FAQs section.