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  1. Estranged Students Solidarity Week

    Monday 25th - Friday 29th November is Estranged Students Solidarity Week, a national campaign to raise awareness of the issues affecting students who are studying in higher education without the support of a family network.

  2. 5 Ways to Battle Homesickness and Settle into University

    University can be some of the best years of your life, however adjusting to a big change can take some time. Whether you've travelled an hour down the road or from across the water, homesickness can affect everyone. Here are some tips to handle homesickness and ensure you enjoy university life as much as possible.

  3. Student Spotlight: Abbie Romano

    The representations of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) roles is improving, but there’s work to be done. As of 2018, WISE Campaign (Women into Science and Engineering) announced that the UK is on track to have one million women working in the field by 2020. These statistics are encouraging, and demonstrate an improvement in opportunities shown to young women who pursue the career path.