Library contact details
How to get in contact with the Library team through telephone, email, library chat (LibChat), HelpMe and the Contact Us form.
How to get in contact with the Library team through telephone, email, library chat (LibChat), HelpMe and the Contact Us form.
How to find library resources and reference them in your work.
Benefits of Open Research at LJMU and advice on how to share your research with the community.
If you're a supplier wishing to work with LJMU, please see our guide for information on our procurement process, including how to complete tenders.
Discover how Knowsley Metropolitan Council benefited from working with LJMU's staff, students and resources on the Partnerships for Older People Projects.
Discover how JP Imaging benefited from working with LJMU's staff, students and resources at GERI to push the boundaries of lithographic plate technology.
Discover how Liverpool City Council benefited from working with LJMU's staff, students and resources as they delivered a series of Adult Social Care Courses.
Discover how Barclays IT Unix Division benefited from working with LJMU staff, students and resources on a brainstorming product development project.
Delta Fluids Products specialise in the field of controls, valves and gases. Discover how LJMU worked with this company to help develop a product.
Many large employers are becoming more proactive to recruit candidates with disabilities, neurodiversity and long-term health conditions. Some run their own schemes targeting disabled applicants, while others work with specialist organisations that manage the recruitment process on their behalf.