Travelling to the Tom Reilly Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tom Reilly Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tom Reilly Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Redmonds Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Metropolitan Cathedral including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the John Foster Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the James Parsons Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Cherie Booth Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
This Masters-level module which will enable multi-professional clinicians to practice as independent and/or supplementary non-medical prescribers within the appropriate legal framework and the standards set by the HCPC and NMC.
Develop a critical appreciation of relevant ethical-legal skills and knowledge pertinent to advanced practice through this CPD course.
In this CPD course you'll be able to assess different models of addiction and the mediators and moderators of addiction, with a focus on drug and alcohol addiction as major public health risks.
The Professional Midwifery Advocate education programme aims to prepare registered midwives to achieve the standards and competencies required to successfully undertake the role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA).