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  1. Brain and Behaviour Research Group

    In the Brain and Behaviour Research Group within RISES, we study human motor behaviour from the neural level through to perception and cognition. Our two main areas of research are sensorimotor neuroscience and expert performance and learning.

  2. Nutrition and Health

    Within the Nutrition and Health Research Group, we deliver meaningful research which examines the relationships between food, nutrition and health. Our expertise includes: nutritional science, nutrition and public health, physical activity and health; and food quality. Find out more about our specific areas of interest and meet the researchers.

  3. Gerry Kinsella MBE

    Read the oration for Gerry Kinsella on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Sir Philip Craven.

  4. Sarah Maclennan

    Sarah is an award-winning member of staff and alumni of LJMU. Having completed her degree as a mature student, she now leads the Creative Writing programmes in the Liverpool Screen School.

  5. Lorraine Shaw

    Lorraine Shaw was the Subject Lead for Nursing in the School of Nursing and Allied Health from 2013 until her retirement in 2023. As a registered nurse since 1987, practising in a range of clinical areas, her ties with LJMU began in 1992 when she needed a degree to progress with her career and enrolled with LJMU while continuing to work full-time for the NHS, and later venturing into teaching and management.

  6. Paul Nolan

    Read the full oration for Paul Nolan on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.