Academic Registry results notification briefings
Two Microsoft Teams sessions will take place later this month to assist LJMU administrative staff involved with the pre and post board of examiner process, including results notification.
Two Microsoft Teams sessions will take place later this month to assist LJMU administrative staff involved with the pre and post board of examiner process, including results notification.
The approved Subcontracting Policy sets out the requirement for subcontracting provision for degree apprenticeships delivered across the university.
A one university approach for teaching and learning
LJMU has appointed five senior academics to act as international 'ambassadors' for each of our five faculties.
In January 2015 Library Services piloted the use of a reading list management system, Rebus:List with 27 academics across the University with a soft launch that Summer.
We will mark Armistice Day by observing a two-minute silence at 11am on Monday 11 November.
Professor Lip is close collaborator with the Faculty of Health, the School of Sport & Exercise Science and the School of Computing & Mathematics.
In a recent report by HEFCE on Sector-leading innovative practice in advancing equality and diversity, LJMU was commended for the number and range of events and initiatives focusing on equality and diversity issues.
Claire Foy, star of the £100m Netflix series, The Crown, and graduate of LJMU, has won a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a TV series.