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  1. Lorraine Shaw

    Lorraine Shaw was the Subject Lead for Nursing in the School of Nursing and Allied Health from 2013 until her retirement in 2023. As a registered nurse since 1987, practising in a range of clinical areas, her ties with LJMU began in 1992 when she needed a degree to progress with her career and enrolled with LJMU while continuing to work full-time for the NHS, and later venturing into teaching and management.

  2. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

    LJMU’s varied programme of professional development courses offers individuals and organisations a range of opportunities to enable professional people to develop their career prospects and meet business objectives in a way that doesn't interfere with their working life.

  3. Civic Engagement placements

    Liverpool John Moores University is committed to being an engaged civic University. In the Faculty of Health, we recognise the importance of promoting health through community engagement and consider this vital in preparing future healthcare professional for the role they will play after graduation.