Current Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour projects
Find out more about the Current Research Projects that the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour is involved in.
Find out more about the Current Research Projects that the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour is involved in.
The Institute for Health Research collaborates with a wide range of partners, find out about our collaborative projects.
Help with remote access and working from home
Voluntary action/third sector responses research within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion.
eDoc is the university’s online engagement and progression system which supports the doctoral journey, the policies and regulations that govern it and the common reference to progression stages.
Liverpool Business School interview and audition information for applicants.
Discover the collaborative partnerships of the Dignity Without Danger project.
Liverpool Business School
Discover how Barclays IT Unix Division benefited from working with LJMU staff, students and resources on a brainstorming product development project.
LJMU has developed strong teaching and research collaborations with Nepal in areas such as public health, gender and education - find out more about our research with the country.