Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences publications
Take a look at the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences recent research publications. We publish in high impact sport science related journals.
Take a look at the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences recent research publications. We publish in high impact sport science related journals.
Find out more about the School of Sport and Exercise Science celebrations of diversity.
Our International Relations and Politics courses tackle contemporary issues at the forefront of international politics today, from terrorism to climate change.
Meet the academic staff of the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences who are making a difference to the world of sport, physical activity, exercise and health.
Faculty of Science | School of Sport and Exercise Sciences | Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences
MEMARC's members conduct research into materials development, as well as biological systems and sports engineering. Learn more about this research, the researchers who work in this area and the materials development and processing projects members have completed.
Meet our Pioneers
Public Health Institute
Find out more about practical papers and workshop submissions.
A leader in the development of sport and exercise science study in the 1970s and the first ever Professor of Sports Science in the UK.