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  1. Volunteer for Claire House

    Our corporate charity Claire House is looking for volunteers on Saturday 29 February and Sunday 1 March at the welcoming of HMS Prince of Wales on the Liverpool Waterfront.

  2. REF 2021: World-leading research across LJMU

    Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) has more than doubled the amount of research that is judged to be world-leading or internationally-excellent by a national audit of UK universities.

  3. Holocaust Remembrance Day

    On Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) we reflect on some of the past events at LJMU which have shaped our understanding of humanity's worst crimes.

  4. New Print Room Service

    A new Print Room service for bulk printing and specialist requirements has launched today

  5. Graduation review: Wednesday 10 July

    Students from Liverpool Screen School, the School of Law, Liverpool School of Art and Design and the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies received their awards.