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  1. Nickianne Moody

    Nickianne worked at LJMU for just short of 30 years, teaching on and then leading the university’s Media and Cultural Studies provision. Sadly, she died in 2019 following a period of illness, leaving behind a multitude of memories and legacies for students and academics alike.

  2. Dr Sasha Kosanic

    Dr Sasha Kosanic is an interdisciplinary scientist whose research focuses on answering complex questions about climate change and the impact it is having on nature and societies. She is also an advocate for inclusion in education, as a former Paralympian and a scientist living with Cerebral Palsy, she looks to highlight inequalities wherever she finds them and to drive forwards change in research and academia.

  3. Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour

    Within the Research Centre for Brain and Behaviour we are involved in research which looks at perception, attention, emotion, learning and memory, sensory and motor processes, and includes animal models of neurobehavioral research. We investigate cognitive and brain mechanisms in psychologically and neurologically intact animals and humans, and the disruption of these processes caused by drugs, brain damage, ageing or atypical development.