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  1. MSc Sport Nutrition | Part-time

    LJMU's Sport Nutrition MSc is taught by academics dedicated to researching athlete-centred nutrition and extending contemporary understanding of exercise metabolism.

  2. MSc Astrophysics

    This MSc in Astrophysics is delivered by world-leading researchers at Liverpool John Moores University and is designed to facilitate further postgraduate and PhD study.

  3. MA Modern History | Part-time

    MA in Modern History will explore how societies use history and provides students with an understanding of the ways in which historians can take their skills and apply them beyond the university.

  4. MSc Civil Engineering

    LJMU's Civil Engineering MSc provides a route to Chartered Engineer status. You will learn the skills required to excel in and lead a civil engineering team.

  5. MA Fine Art

    LJMU's MA in Fine Art enables you to investigate all proponents of fine art and its practice in production, material intervention, media and curation.

  6. MSc Computing and Information Systems

    LJMU's Computing and Information Systems MSc focuses on the technological aspects of hardware and software, covering the latest innovations in this subject area.