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  1. Programme of Events

    Programme of Events for the Ejta Teachers’ conference between April 26 and 28 2023.

  2. Access to Web Hub

    Log in to Web Hub BI - a web based platform which provides 24 hour access to reporting data.

  3. Access Symplectic

    Log into Symplectic. The Symplectic database provides a means for members of staff and postgraduate research students at LJMU to capture their publications and professional activities.

  4. Access Hireserve

    Log in to the Hireserve Manager Portal aimed at streamlining the recruitment process for Hiring Managers the Portal will aloow you to see, in real-time, where vacancies are up to in the portal and have immediate access to applications when they come in, making shortlisting easier and reducing your time to hire.

  5. CPMH Book Series

    Current CPMH Co-Director, Professor Nicholas J White (LJMU) and former CPMH Co-Director, Professor Andrew Popp (Copenhagen Business School) are the series editors of the Liverpool University Press book series, Studies in Port and Maritime History.

  6. LCR Sustainable Green Travel Corridors

    The LCR Sustainable Green Travel Corridors Project is £1.3m ERDF funded until 2021 and part of a Liverpool City Region-wide initiative to encourage more cycling and walking.