Centre for the Study of Law in Theory and Practice research and Impact projects
Examples of Research and Impact projects
Examples of Research and Impact projects
The Department of Computer Science at Liverpool John Moores University is being funded for a project on cyber security and computer forensics by the Royal Academy of Engineering through the Newton Collaborative Fund.
Learn more about the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Research Centre, the Centre's research groups, REF results and the impact of a new technique for measuring electron mobility.
Discover diverse research fellowships in astrophysics at Liverpool John Moores University. Apply now for exciting opportunities in observational, theoretical, and computational astrophysics.
Explore why Archaeology is an important area of focus for staff at the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology.
Research within the Contexts of Human Evolution Group involves archaeological, palaeontological and environmental analyses of human evolution. Our research focuses on mammalian evolution, hominin behaviour and ecology, and patterns of faunal and floral distribution. Discover our research areas and current projects, facilities, collaborations, publications and people.
Collaborative research focused on promoting wellbeing in individuals and communities.
The Business, Corporate, Financial and Technology Law Unit is committed to fostering an intellectual environment and advancing scholarship within business and finance law.
Our research is applicable to clinical and sport and exercise biomechanics. Our focus includes: musculo-skeletal growth and development, gait analysis, virtual rehabilitation, postural stability, footwear biomechanics, and artificial neural networks.
Our research is applied in nature and is focused on physical activity, sedentary behaviour, fitness and health in laboratory and various real world settings.