The Conversation: Woman spends 500 days alone in a cave – how extreme isolation can alter your sense of time
Reader in Experimental Psychology Dr Ruth Ogden writes for The Conversation on the extraordinary experience of Beatriz Flamini.
Reader in Experimental Psychology Dr Ruth Ogden writes for The Conversation on the extraordinary experience of Beatriz Flamini.
In extreme sports, the consequences of athletes’ decisions can be life threatening. So what can we learn from moment of jumping?
Liverpool John Moores University awards Ambassador Fellowship to Professor the Lord David Alton at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 13 July 2016.
Dr Patrick Byrne, Reader in Hydrology and Environmental Pollution, writes in The Conversation on the growing dangers of 'forever chemicals' - PFAs - in our water resources.
Education, mental health, and social care downgraded or, in some cases, withdrawn altogether.
Is dark tourism just another fad in the age of the selfie and tick list travelling? Gillian O’Brien explains its appeal and gives it historical context.
Evolutionary biologists Dr Laura Buck and Dr Kyoko Yamaguchi write in The Conversation on how human species (hominins) have coped with cold climates over the millennia.
LJMU paleontologists part of international team to discover oldest prehistoric butchery site ever found
Students from Liverpool Screen School, the School of Law, Liverpool School of Art and Design and the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies received their awards.
A film charting the history of Liverpool College of Art, today’s Liverpool School of Art and Design, was screened at a special event attended by more than 50 alumni of the college and university.