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  1. Elvis and The Beatles

    As BBC2 marked the 50th anniversary of a momentous meeting between Elvis Presley and The Beatles, LJMU lecturer Jeff Young penned a drama for the occasion inspired by the secret meeting that took place in Elvis’s Bel Air mansion in 1965.

  2. Tim Hetherington's "Infidel"

    LJMU is exhibiting 'Infidel' the work of award-winning Liverpool photojournalist Tim Hetherington from 15-25 September.

  3. Securing the future of Remembrance Day

    With younger generations finding it increasingly difficult to relate to the World Wars, LJMU is working to secure the future of Remembrance Day through two innovative, nationally-funded, research projects.

  4. Future-proofing history

    Liverpool workers’ memories of the Elder Dempster Lines, the UK’s largest shipping group trading between Western Europe and West Africa, have been recorded and captured as part of an online archive created by Liverpool John Moores University.