Travelling to Cherie Booth Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the Cherie Booth Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Cherie Booth Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
The Chancellor Nisha Katona MBE is Chancellor of LJMU.
Library spaces, resources and expertise dedicated to the needs of LJMU students, researchers, staff and external visitors.
Two scholarly essays by Dr Gerry Smyth relating to his setting of all 36 lyrics from James Joyce's 'Chamber Music'; this page also includes a list of 'Aphorisms and Quotations', offering reflections on different aspects of Joyce's original lyric sequence.
VAT on Overseas transactions
Quick guide to graduation day - what you need to know about the graduation ceremony.
This guidance and policy review is a joint effort from the Teaching and Learning Academy, Faculty Assistant Registrars and academic staff. This site and the assessment and feedback policy are reviewed annually.
Find out where you can park for graduation, plus public transport information to help you get to the ceremony.
This blog post highlights the use of eBooks.
Celebrating womanhood is an online book that highlights the work being done by inspirational women in Nepal.