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  1. Overseas Referral Deferral examinations

    Students who are resident overseas may apply to take their referred/ deferred examination(s) in their country of residence, this is subject to approval/agreement by the relevant School.

  2. Submitting your coursework

    Coursework can be handed in before the due date if completed early and should be handed in at your Faculty or School Office. All submissions must include a Coursework Submission cover sheet, available at the Faculty or School Offices. Submissions must contain certain mandatory information, i.e. Student ID number, module code and tutor’s name, etc. You may also need to add a word count.

  3. Forms and letters

    Read advice and guidance about various forms and letters that may be useful to you during your time at LJMU.

  4. Guidance Policy and Process

    Guidance, Policies and Processes: Admissions Policy, Access Agreement, Code of Practice for Admissions, Guidance for student support fund, Guidance for Students/Staff on the Fitness to Practise Procedures, Extenuating Circumstances, Deferred Consideration Procedures, Student Code of Behaviour and Disciplinary Procedures, Student Governance Confidentiality, Student Governance Retention Storage and Destruction, Student Attendance Policy, Student Social Networking Statement, Turnitin Info for students, University Fitness to Practise Policy, University Fitness to Study Policy, Visa Responsibilities.

  5. Getting it right: Pronouns

    Making sure you refer to someone by the correct pronouns (during face-to-face interactions or in written format such as emails), can make a world of difference and demonstrates your dedication to equality, diversity and inclusion.

  6. Sharing information about your disability

    Many students and graduates with a disability, health condition or neurodiversity worry about whether to tell a prospective or current employer. In legal terms, this is referred to as ‘disclosure’. It is both a balancing act and a personal decision whether and when you want to share information about your disability during the recruitment process or in the workplace.

  7. Self-employment

    Self-employment can be well suited to disabled or neurodivergent students and graduates, if you find it difficult to keep up with traditional work.