Travelling to the Tom Reilly Building
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tom Reilly Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Here you will find information about travelling to the Tom Reilly Building including maps, directions and advice to help you find us.
Psychometric Tests
There are a number of trusted websites that LJMU recommend students visit when trying to find work placements abroad. From office roles and camp leaders to au pairs and ski instructors, there are a lot to choose from. Explore the opportunities available to you.
Denis Kelly worked in the marketing department for Elder Dempster Lines. Find out more about Denis's experiences by listening to his interview.
At LJMU the safety and wellbeing of our students is a priority. To ensure that all students can learn and achieve safely, free from abuse, harassment and harm, we have developed a safeguarding policy and associated procedures.
If you are interested in building a career in the green sector, then we recommend talking to people already working in this field.
Ray joined Elder Dempster Lines when he was just 16. Ray worked in Hamburg, before returning to Liverpool to marry. Listen to Ray's interview.
LJMU is committed to making its website and the material provided on it accessible to as many people as possible.
Ever thought about whose job it was to decide what products should be on the supermarket shelves? We catch up with graduate Emily Burr, a buyer for Booths Supermarket, to find out what it's like to decide what the nation eats.
The LJMU Student Support Fund offers financial help to students facing hardship. Discover how to apply and get the support you need.