Clodagh McErlean

Clodagh is the 2022/23 Liverpool John Moores Students’ Union (JMSU) Vice President for Activities and a biomedical science graduate.

She was elected to post in March 2022 and her focus is on ensuring that students have the same opportunities to get involved with activities, sports and societies. She’s striving to do this through improved access and equal representation for all sports and societies. She also works alongside her fellow all-female JMSU officer team to support students through the current cost of living crisis.

Clodagh features in our ‘Humans of LJMU’ series in collaboration with the ‘Humans of Liverpool’ social media account, sharing the stories of the people who make our city, communities and university the vibrant, inclusive place it is in celebration of our bicentenary year.

In her interview she reflects on her Irish roots and the ‘Challenge Clodagh’ initiative that is keeping her busy and engaged with all of JMSU’s sports groups and societies.

“I’ve started a campaign called ‘Challenge Clodagh’. Every week a sporting society gives me a’s been a great experience, because I’m learning a lot and pushing myself but more importantly, it’s a way for students that might be a bit too nervous to go on their own to see what it’s like and even come along with me, make some friends and really immerse themselves in university life.”

– Clodagh McErlean

Clodagh’s ‘Humans of LJMU’ interview

“There’s a very big Irish community in Liverpool, so it’s a home away from home for me. The people here are so similar to back home. I lived with a boy from Liverpool last year and we both have really strong accents, there was a point where we were having two different conversations and we didn’t even realise. I love the people here, I love the city life. Back home, I live in the middle of nowhere in the countryside, so being able to just walk to a shop blew my mind in the first few weeks.

“I’m really passionate about my job working in the students’ union. I’m Vice President of Activities. So I’m involved in everything to do with sports and societies, trying to inspire students to get excited about their university experience outside of their curriculum.

“I’ve started a campaign called ‘Challenge Clodagh’. Every week a sporting society gives me a challenge. Monday I was at women’s rugby union. I’d never played or watched it in my life, but the girls were amazing and I loved it. So far I’ve done trampolining, netball and boxing and I’m aiming to cover every group. Then for the societies, I’ve done some creative writing and psychology. It’s been a great experience, because I’m learning a lot and pushing myself but more importantly, it’s a way for students that might be a bit too nervous to go on their own to see what it’s like and even come along with me, make some friends and really immerse themselves in university life.”