Disclosing a disability

Advantages of disclosing a disability at LJMU

Reasonable Adjustments

When you disclose a disability at LJMU you can benefit from changes to the work environment that allow you to work safely and more productively.

These changes are known as “reasonable adjustments” – Examples of which include; physical equipment such as an adjustable/supportive ergonomic chair or keyboard and additional software which may assist people with visual impairments or conditions such as dyslexia.

Also, if you are comfortable enough to share information about your condition with your Line Manager, it can be beneficial for both parties; as your Line Manager will be more informed and better equipped to support you. You may even find that they are more open to discussing flexible working arrangements and are more aware/understanding of your needs overall (i.e.; if you have a condition that requires a number of hospital appointments, for instance).

Join the Staff Network

LJMU offers a range of equality, diversity and inclusive staff network. Staff whom are happy to disclose their disabilities are welcome to join the LJMU Staff Dis-Ability Network, where they will receive; peer to peer support, a safe space to discuss key issues surrounding disability and actively be involved in consultation exercises where you could help improve current policies and procedures, etc.

Exclusive staff development and training opportunities for disabled staff

In previous years, LJMU’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Team have offered staff (that have disclosed a disability) the opportunity to attend exclusive staff development training programmes.

These programmes have included:

  • Result CIC – “Enhancing The Career Development Of Disabled Staff”
  • Calibre – “Advancing Disabled Staff Into Leadership Positions”

Staff Diversity Disclosure (Improving The Institution)

As noted above, LJMU is strongly committed to Equality and Diversity and ensuring a fair, equitable and positive experience for all. The information you provide in the Staff Diversity Disclosure section will assist with identifying and responding to the diverse needs of our staff, allowing us to make adequate provisions for equality of opportunities and outcomes.

For example; the data may indicate the needs for specific equality, diversity and inclusion related training opportunities and initiatives, working towards a more inclusive environment for all (for example, positive action required to have more disabled members of staff in senior leadership positions).

Access To Work (Additional resource/funding support)

Access to Work is a publicly funded employment support programme (offered by the UK Government), which aims to help more disabled people start or stay in work. It can provide practical and financial support if you have a disability or long term physical or mental health condition and are unable to obtain the resources/support required through your employer.

Before making Access to Work application, staff must seek support from LJMU in the form of reasonable adjustments (outlined above).

Access to Work applications must be completed by the individual who is applying for the practical/financial aid, themselves. Once the application has been approved, LJMU’s Human Resource (HR) Team will receive a notification regarding any additional expenditure that the institution has been requested to make. Once this has been signed off by LJMU Finance Team, the wheels will be set in motion for you to receive the equipment/support you require.

More information on Access to Work can be found on the UK Government website.

How to disclose a disability at LJMU

You can disclose a disability (and other diversity information) through LJMU’s Staff Infobase system and the “LJMU Employee Self Service” section – Simply locate the “Staff Diversity Disclosure” tab and update your records accordingly.

It can also be helpful to hold a conversation with your Line Manager about your disability, to ensure they know how best to support you.

More information on the Staff Diversity Disclosure form/section can be found below.

Staff Diversity Disclosure

Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) is strongly committed to Equality and Diversity and ensuring a fair, equitable and positive experience for all. The information you give in the Staff Diversity Disclosure section will assist with identifying and responding to the diverse needs of our staff and to make adequate provisions for equality of opportunities and outcomes. All data is held securely and confidentially in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and will only be used for positive action purposes.