
Mentoring information

Did you know LJMU’s Diversity and Inclusion Team in collaboration with the Leadership Development Foundation (LDF), are offering an opportunity for Professors and Readers (All Genders) to become Mentors/Critical-Friends to support more women in achieving their Readership/Professorship status.

Due to the gap between men and women applying for Readership/Professorship, the University has acknowledged this a Diversity and Inclusion priority and it has been agreed that we need to work towards a fairer gender balance within this area by supporting women’s career progression.

  • The position of the Mentor/Critical Friend is open to any gender, as long as they have received their Professorship/Readership status already.
  • The position of the Mentee (for the purpose of this specific initiative) is only open to women academics (for the reasons outlined above).

If you would like to learn more about this initiative, please contact LJMU's EDI Team at

EDI Priorities at LJMU