Faculty of Engineering and Technology Graduate and Placement Recruitment Fair

Britannia Adelphi Hotel Liverpool view map and directions

9am to 12noon

To be held at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel Liverpool

If you are looking to gain a a sandwich placement for next year or you are a final year student looking to secure a graduate job to start after graduation in 2024, then come along to the fair at the Britannia Adelphi Hotel Liverpool on 10 October 2024 from 9am to 12 noon.

Please note
You do not need to register for this event.

Students from any programme or level of study are welcome to attend and only organisations with upcoming opportunities will be there, so this is a fantastic opportunity to sort out your next steps.

Remember to print off the list of companies to take with you (which was emailed to you by Angela Clarke).  If you want to enter the £50 Amazon Voucher prize then please write your name, programme, level and 6 digit number on a piece of paper and place it in the box on the LJMU desk when you arrive.  One lucky person will be drawn at the end of the day.

Before the day of the fair

  • Make sure that your CV is up to date and that you have paper copies as many companies are accepting them on the day.  You may want to book an appointment with one-to-one careers meeting to have your CV checked. 
  • Many employers recruit in different ways therefore you may want to prepare a CV that can be emailed to employers on the day.  Don’t forget, if you don’t already have a professional CV, use our CV Builder app to create your first CV.  When you have a version you are happy with, use our CV360 app to score your CV against 50 checks and get instant feedback to optimise it. If you have a LinkedIn profile, make sure it is up-to-date as many employers take LinkedIn profiles as a method application. If employers recruit via application forms, guidance on these is provided by the Student Futures team via a one-to-one careers meeting.  
  • Check out the list of organisations attending and take a quick look at their website ahead of the event and the vacancies they offer.  Find out what projects they are working on at the moment.
  • Draw up a shortlist of employers you would like to speak to, but don’t just focus on the big names you’ve heard of – give the ones you don’t recognise a chance as well, so you don’t miss out on the interesting opportunities they offer!  

Top tips when attending a recruitment fair

  • Allow enough time for your visit to the fair to chat to as many employers as possible.
  • Prepare a short ‘pitch’ to introduce yourself to employers, e.g. I am a second-year/final-year Building Surveying student interested in exploring possible placement/graduate opportunities with your company. I have read about your placement/graduate scheme online – could you give me some further information about that?
  • First impressions count, so when you approach the stand, be confident and enthusiastic. Don’t just grab any freebies or brochures and move on, but introduce yourself and network with the staff by asking relevant questions, for example:
    • Which of your placements/graduate schemes would be suitable for someone with my degree?
    • What skills and knowledge do you look for in candidates?
    • Could you give me some tips to help me succeed in the application and recruitment process?
    • What do you enjoy most about working for this organisation?
    • What was the most interesting thing you have worked on? / What skills are you using the most in your role?