Careers in engineering and technology

We want you to get a job after graduation

Last year, 87% of our engineering and technology graduates went on to secure a graduate level job.


  • Every single one of our undergraduate students has the opportunity to do a year-long industry placement (last year 100% of students who took up a placement got a graduate job) – find out how we work with industry
  • Employer engagement – every year we host up to 100 companies from a multitude of engineering and technology sectors at our jobs fair
  • We offer a range of opportunities to gain experience outside of the lecture hall, for example you could join the Electric Racing Car Team (YouTube video) or travel abroad to maximise your skillset

If you're considering pursuing a career in engineering or technology, there's a huge range of subjects to study. From electrical engineering to maritime studies, computer science to product design, why not find a subject that interests you?

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