Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity training for external parties

‘Diversity’ means valuing differences and acknowledging that these differences are a natural part of our community.

‘Equal Opportunity’ is about treating everyone fairly, as an individual according to their needs, abilities and interests in order for people to reach their full potential. Individuals with particular characteristics are given protection under the 2020 Equality Act.

There are 9 characteristics protected by law: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

Under the 2010 Equality Act, the definition of ‘race’ includes: skin colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins.

How we think can depend on our life experiences and sometimes we have beliefs and views about other people that might not be right or reasonable. This is known as ‘unconscious bias’ which is outside our conscious awareness and control, for example, making a judgement about a person based on their name or background. These assumptions can be as a result of the particular experiences we have had.

‘Affinity bias’ is having a tendency to relate or gravitate towards people who share the same age, gender, race or other protected characteristics. For example, whilst similarities should not automatically disqualify a candidate at interview, they should never be the deciding factor. It is important to distinguish between characteristics that may cloud our judgement and the concrete skills, experiences and unique qualities of candidates. To do otherwise, may result in candidates not being selected due to their different social backgrounds and characteristics to interviewers.

Being ‘interculturally competent’ is being able to relate well with people from different backgrounds and appreciating that people have different cultural values and beliefs which is a natural aspect of our society.

‘Micro-aggressions’ are subtle, indirect and often unintentional comments and actions aimed at people from marginalised groups.

Please watch the videos below in full and complete the form to state you have watched them:

Never Judge a Book By Its Cover

Always Equal, Never the Same

Intercultural Confidence


Unconscious Bias

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