COMPASS for staff

Guidance for communicating AI permissions for assessments

COMPASS is the name of the Faculty of Science guidance regarding the use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in assessments, effective from 2023/24 onward. In effect, it describes how we will operationalise LJMU’s advice in respect of AI tools, aligned with the principles agreed within our Faculty.

Actions needed by Module Leaders

  1. Add AI conditions to assessment information on Modules/Pages within Canvas.
  2. Add AI conditions to Assignment descriptions within Canvas.
  3. Add AI conditions to module assessments in CourseLoop (details to follow).
  4. Report cases of suspected deviation from permitted conditions via the AMP process.

Add AI conditions to assessment information on Modules/Pages within Canvas

There are four options for specifying how AI may be used in an assessment, each with an associated code letter shared with one of the four cardinal directions. Code letters are useful in summary tables of assessment information where space is limited, the column heading being ‘AI’. In all directions, students may elect not to use AI where this is an option.

N - No AI tools may be used. Your non-use of AI is accompanied by an appropriate acknowledgement (see COMPASS webpage:

S - Some AI tools may be used and these will be specified. Your use or non-use of AI is accompanied by an appropriate acknowledgement (see COMPASS webpage:

E - Every AI tool may be used. Your use or non-use of AI is accompanied by an appropriate acknowledgement (see COMPASS webpage:

W - Ways in which AI may be used will be specified and the choice of tools may be limited. Your use or non-use of AI is accompanied by an appropriate acknowledgement (see COMPASS webpage:

When students are asked to use a specific AI tool, preference should be given to those resources already provided via LJMU student network accounts, for example Bing Chat within Microsoft Edge. Students who decide to set up accounts with external providers of AI tools, for example Chat GPT, should be advised to use a personal, non-LJMU email address; this will prevent issues down the line if the tool becomes integrated within LJMU network resources.

The LJMU Learning and Teaching Strategy 2023-30 obliges programmes to:

  • utilise a range of assessment methods that support the application of skills and understanding to future areas of study
  • set assessments that enhance the development of discipline-specific and transferable skills

Programme teams’ decisions on permitted uses of AI should be informed by these priorities. Making no changes to assessment in response to AI has associated risks and is not sustainable.

Add AI conditions to Assignment descriptions within Canvas

A description of assessment permissions is pasted into Canvas assignment details, Appendix 1:

N - No AI tools may be used: You must not use AI tools to create any draft or final versions of your work. Your non-use of AI must be appropriately acknowledged (see COMPASS webpage: By submitting this work for marking within the Faculty of Science, you are confirming that you have worked within these conditions and you understand that, in cases of doubt, an investigation may be held.

S - Some AI tools may be used: You may choose to use the following AI tools only; [names of AI tool(s)]. Your use or non-use of AI must be appropriately acknowledged (see COMPASS webpage: By submitting this work for marking within the Faculty of Science, you are confirming that you have worked within these conditions and you understand that, in cases of doubt, an investigation may be held.

E - Every AI tool may be used. You may choose to use any AI to assist you in any way. Your use or non-use of AI must be appropriately acknowledged (see COMPASS webpage: By submitting this work for marking within the Faculty of Science, you are confirming that you have worked within these conditions and you understand that, in cases of doubt, an investigation may be held.

W - Ways of using AI tools are specified: You may choose to use [names or ‘any AI tool’] in order to [ways in which use is permitted] only. Your use or non-use of AI must be appropriately acknowledged (see COMPASS webpage: By submitting this work for marking within the Faculty of Science, you are confirming that you have worked within these conditions and you understand that, in cases of doubt, an investigation may be held.

Example ways might include:

  • Generate passages of text that must then be transformed and applied to each student's specified or personal context.
  • Produce summaries of topics that provide a basis for subsequent non-AI-assisted analysis.

Add AI conditions to module assessments in CourseLoop

This information will not be accessible to students but will act as the ‘single source of truth’ that informs what is presented to students on Canvas. AI conditions will be recorded in CourseLoop as N, S, W or E and reporting tools will enable teams to monitor the spread of AI restrictions across their programme.

Report cases of suspected deviation from permitted conditions via the AMP process

If no AI may be used in an assessment, but the assessor believes that one has been used, then the potential offence is akin to that of a student using an essay mill for a coursework or using unauthorised notes in an exam. In all conditions, a potential offence might arise through:

  • the use of a prohibited AI
  • using a permitted AI in a proscribed way
  • failing to appropriately acknowledge use or non-use of an AI

Appendix 1 - The Canvas set-up interface

Information should be included in the free text field after the Assignment name has been assigned

Screenshot of Canvas assignment set-up interface. The upper free-text box is for the assignment title. The lower free-text box is where the AI conditions would be pasted.

Note that any assignment information entered into the lower free-text box will appear before the standard LJMU text (below) when presented to the student.

Need help? Just ask

Here is our help guide to submitting online. If having issues that are affecting your studies and/or your wellbeing, please contact the Student Engagement Team for confidential advice and support. We also offer workshops on a wide variety of topics including Managing Anxiety.

Academic Misconduct

By submitting any work for marking at LJMU, you are confirming that you are aware of the LJMU policy regarding cheating and all forms of academic misconduct. The submitted work is your own/the group's work and all the sources consulted have been appropriately acknowledged. You are aware that, in a case of doubt, an investigation may be held.

It is your responsibility to check that you have submitted the correct files. Marks may be unmoderated - Marks are finalised at the Board of Examiners.


Policy and practice guidance around the use of AI technologies, Monash University (4/7/23)