The Hon Mr Justice Globe
Presented by His Honour David Lynch
Honourable Chancellor, I have pleasure in presenting the Honourable Mr. Justice Globe for the award of an Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.
This is a truly civic university, firmly rooted in this extraordinary city, and its defining ethos comprises three deceptively simple yet very powerful words: dream, plan, achieve.
Each July during Graduation Week, the University's highest honour – an Honorary Fellowship – is bestowed on a select band of individuals outside the University, in recognition of their outstanding achievement in a given field or profession, and who personify and inspire others to 'dream, plan, and achieve.'
We propose Sir Henry Globe today for his outstanding contribution to the legal profession over the last 40 years, much of which has been spent in legal practice in and around Liverpool.
It seems like yesterday, but a year has passed since I stood here to present for the award of an Honorary Fellowship of this University, our Chancellor who was then just plain Lord Justice Leveson. On that occasion I spoke of a day in 1957 when two eight-year olds presented themselves and were admitted to David House of Liverpool College.
One, Brian Leveson, was destined to become a Lord Justice of Appeal and our Chancellor. No prizes for guessing the other. It was Henry Globe, now a High Court Judge, who awaits the conferment of this University's highest honour. It is fitting, therefore, that these two friends and colleagues should share a platform in this magnificent cathedral on this unique occasion.
I first met Henry in 1972 when he returned to Liverpool from Birmingham University proficient in law and hockey. Having been called to the Bar at Middle Temple and soon after elected to the Northern Circuit, he began a pupillage in Exchange Chambers, then next door to Liverpool Town Hall. He was fortunate to have as his pupil master his cousin David Berkson who later became Deputy Judge Advocate General responsible for all courts martial in Germany.
Henry also shared the room with Denis Clark, later a Circuit Judge in Liverpool. Having spent a pupillage heavily influenced by Messrs Berkson & Clark, Henry was extremely well prepared for a life of crime.
Henry's energies were not directed solely towards his own practice. He was willing to serve his colleagues.
This he did by undertaking the time consuming office of Junior of the Circuit and later its Treasurer, and by representing the Circuit's interests at the Bar Council in London.
Despite those demanding pursuits his work at the Bar grew quickly and he was appointed Standing Counsel to prosecute cases for the then Department of Social Security and for Customs and Excise. Although most of his work was in Liverpool, Henry made frequent sorties to the far north of the Circuit, developing a substantial practice in Carlisle and by 1991 his standing was such that he was appointed a Recorder.
Three years later he took silk and as Queen's Counsel was involved in many important cases on and off circuit. Henry continued to help others by becoming a member of the then Judicial Studies Board Criminal Committee and was the course director responsible for training judges who dealt with murder, manslaughter and serious fraud cases which he did for four years. It is no easy matter to make a serious fraud seminar interesting if not exciting.
It is a tribute to Henry's skills that when I went to his fraud seminar in London he succeeded in keeping me awake throughout the whole day.
In October 2003, Henry became a Senior Circuit Judge and the Honorary Recorder of Liverpool, thereby assuming responsibility with the Presiding Judge for all of the courts and judges on Merseyside. Henry replaced Sir David Clarke, another Honorary Fellow of this University.
I was greatly relieved when my researches revealed that this relationship between the University and the judiciary is one which will not attract the attention of the Competition Commission. I left the Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts in 2004 not long after Henry became Recorder. It was nothing personal. His appointment just coincided with my sell by date.
During his eight years as Recorder, Henry dealt with the most serious and, often harrowing, Merseyside criminal cases. One of his many initiatives, with the Merseyside Crown Prosecutor, was to devise an early guilty plea scheme which was adopted nationally and which has resulted in great savings in time and expense and, most importantly, in many cases, swifter justice for the victims of crime.
It is surprising that whenever new initiatives or pilot schemes are announced by the Ministry of Justice, Liverpool seems to be the popular place to try them out. The current Recorder of Liverpool who is here today will confirm what I say as he has been asked recently to conduct another such initiative. Perhaps it is not so surprising that Liverpool is chosen, given the ability and experience of the local bench and bar. I feel sure you will accept that as wholly unbiased assessment.
In 2011, Henry Globe was appointed a High Court Judge and knighted. Those who believe that all a judge has to do is to sit in court from 10.30 am to 4.30 pm are very much mistaken. Mr Justice Globe, in addition to his day-time job, is a Presiding Judge dealing with all the problems which arise from his responsibility to oversee the smooth running of all of the courts on the North Eastern Circuit.
He is also a member of the Sentencing Council whose task it is to promote greater transparency and consistency in sentencing. That is not an unusual workload as judges are often given duties additional to the trying of cases in court. Some must occasionally find the time to chair the odd Inquiry.
Henry Globe was born and educated here and has spent virtually all of his working life at the bar and on the bench in Liverpool. His home and family are here.
He was formerly the Chairman of Governors of King David School in Childwall and is now a Trustee of the King David Foundation. He is deeply committed to Liverpool and its people.
Thus, it is with great personal pleasure that I present Sir Henry Globe, this most distinguished son of our city, for admission to our highest honour, as an Honorary Fellow of Liverpool John Moores University.