Broadcast Hub delivers interviews with Sky News and international broadcasters

Dr David Lowe

The Broadcast Hub is proving to be a useful tool for further raising the profile of the University, with Dr David Lowe conducting interviews with Sky News and broadcasters based in Istanbul and Dubai.

The newly designed Corporate Communications’ Broadcast Hub, based in the Redmonds Building, contains a Globelynx camera which is directly connected to TV channels in the UK and abroad. This means academics no longer need to travel long distances to TV studios, they can deliver the interview to any broadcaster in the world, live from the Broadcast Hub. Similarly, TV producers no longer need to send a camera to the University. Sky News interview

After responding to one of the Press Office’s regular requests for comments about current affairs, Senior Law Lecturer Dr David Lowe was interviewed live from the Redmonds Building by London-based Sky News, Istanbul-based Turkish TV and Al Arabia, in Dubai, about the Russian plane tragedy and possible terrorism activity, as well as the tourism situation in Egypt. The Sky News interview is available to watch


Every week the Press Office issues a list of items on the news agenda requiring expert comment to all academics and the Press Office has made available its list of media experts, their contact details and areas of expertise to Globelynx. Working alongside the Press Office, Globelynx use this database to identify academics' suitability to comment on issues in the news. 

The Press Office recently invited academics to attend a demonstration of the Globelynx camera, and Tami Hoffman of Globelynx, formerly Interviews Editor for Sky News, gave an explanation about how they can engage with national news, as well as providing advice about preparation and outlining basic TV interview techniques.

If you have a particular area of expertise and would like to provide comment, please contact the Press Office. For further information about the Broadcast Hub, see the LJMU website.


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