A celebration of citizenship

LJMU Chancellor Emeritus Cherie Booth presents community awards

Cherie Booth Good Citizenship Awards 2015

From refugee aid, interventions through sport and education, and drug, alcohol and financial support, on a local, national and international basis, Liverpool John Moores University students and staff were recently recognised for their contributions to the community. 

To celebrate these achievements, Citizenship Awards were presented by LJMU Chancellor Emeritus Cherie Booth who commented:

"As a Liverpool girl,  this city has taught me the importance of giving back through the generosity and kind hearted community here in Merseyside.  During my time as Chancellor of Liverpool John Moores University we adopted the ethos of Dream, Plan Achieve and I am delighted to see just how much these awards show that in action, as students and staff go beyond academic and economic impact and make a difference to their communities in a variety of areas. I’m proud to be part of this University."

The LJMU Roscoe Foundation for Citizenship aims to promote the development of ethical students and an ethos of citizenship in the wider community. This includes a programme of the prestigious Roscoe Lectures, ‘Good Citizenship Awards’ in local schools, and the development of an LJMU Student and Staff Citizenship Awards have been established within the University and the wider community.

LJMU Vice-Chancellor Professor Nigel Weatherill praised the award winners: 

"As a University, we are keen to celebrate the performance of students through graduation ceremonies and academic staff through Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards, and we see the Citizenship Awards as equally important to celebrate the achievements of our remarkable staff and students."

Professor David Alton, Director of the Foundation for Citizenship added: 

"Events like this really celebrate our position as a modern, civic University, displaying just how much students and staff are a vibrant and intricate part of the community."

For more details go to: 
LJMU Roscoe Foundation for Citizenship

The Liverpool Echo celebrates the event 


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