LJMU relations with Nepal strengthened after researchers meet with President

Nepal President with LJMU staff

Researchers from LJMU have met with the President of Nepal, the Right Honourable Bidhya Devi Bhandari, to discuss issues relating to education, gender, women's rights and social justice.

Dr Sara Parker from Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Rose Khatri from the Centre for Public Health both met with the Nepalese President while conducting research in the country. Although only scheduled for one hour the meeting and discussion lasted nearly two. Bidhya Devi Bhandari is the first female Head of State in Nepal and has been a political activist for 40 years. 

Dr Parker shared the forthcoming qualitative data analysis toolkit with the Right Honourable President which showcases a number of interviews of inspirational women in Nepal. It also aims to further develop the qualitative research skills of students both in the UK and Nepal. The discussion highlighted the need for such material and other stories of female activists in Nepal to be included in the school and University curriculum.

The meeting was facilitated by Mr Bhakta Gurung, a PhD student in the Centre for Public Health and attended by Mr Kiran Bohara, a long term research collaborator in Nepal. It is hoped the meeting will further strengthen links with Nepal across the disciplines of Sociology, Public Health, Gender Development and Education. 

Rose Khatri's research is on the development of Continuing Professional Development for Nurses in Nepal while Dr Parker is researching on the role of NGO’s in Education in Nepal.

LJMU has long standing relationship with Nepal and Nepalese Institutions across a number of disciplines.  A significant number of Nepali students are currently studying Master and PhD level at LJMU. In addition to this, several research and capacity building projects are currently running in Nepal led by LJMU academics.

This week LJMU is hosting the Britain Nepal Academic Council 14th Nepal Study Day conference. You can find out more information about this conference here 


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